Holsitic Nutrition Consulting

Raven Watson R.H.N.

Nutrition and diet is not just the food we eat. It’s what we scroll through on our phones, watch on the tv, people we hang out with and the words we speak to ourselves and others.

Nutrition is the foundation of how we feel in a day, number one prevention of disease and illness, and supporting yourself through all ages and moments in life. My biggest passion is helping others feel better, alive, vibrant and glowing. Holistic Nutrition is looking at multiple aspect of your lifestyle and how can we integrate sustainable and achievable practices towards your goals.

My Focus

With a million different diets, supplements and advertisements out there, promising to be a cure all, simple solution or fix! These messages have made humans lost touch with the truth. The truth is that the body that it knows how to heal itself, it knows how to detox the liver, it knows how to balance your hormones. It is supplying the body with the correct nutrients and nourishment it will align just the way it’s suppose to.

Let’s learn how to listen to your body again

Let’s nourish it to feel amazing

Let’s put a stop to the disruption

Let thy food be thy medicine

and thy medicine be thy food

How Can I Help?

Hit each arrow to read more:

  • Holistic Nutrition is a symptom based practice, looking at the body as a whole to identify aliments. Wether you are experiencing acute or chronic symptoms in the below fields we can talk about supporting the body through where your going through right now.

    Hormones / PMS



    Low energy/fatigue

    Mood changes or irritability

    Stress and anxiety

  • Life history, genetic family history, current and past nutritional based diets, sleep, exercise, mental outlook and more to curate the best protocol for you!

  • My protocols are completely based off of your lifestyle and commitment levels. I want you to be able to make achievable and sustainable changes that are low stress to introduce.

    That being said there must be willingness to change and a commitment to see results

  • Call me or fill out a box below! Lets chat about what your looking for to make sure I’m your best fit and then we can book to meet in person as soon as our schedules allow.

Let’s work together

Interested in having a consultation? Fill out the info below and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!

About Myself

Unfortunately I was sick from a little girl, from getting a cold to pneumonia often, bruises from my waistband of yoga pants, chronically fatigued and joint pain. Diagnosed with blood illnesses and bounced from doctor to doctor until I was 7, I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus. Lots of days were amazing, able to play sports and fit in with my friends. Others were drenched with pain and discomfort, masking my symptoms to fit in school and spending my afternoons and nights sleeping…

Taking prescriptions to reduce my pain and inflammation but nothing was working… When I’d go to the doctors they’d say my numbers were good and that it was in my head, I completed multiple psychiatric evaluations all to prove it wasn’t a mental illness. My body hurt and no one could see that.

I decided to take my health into my own hands, visiting a naturopath for intravenous medicine of customized vitamins and minerals and man I was feeling better. No gluten, no dairy, no sugar, no red meat! I was feeling dramatically better but… Living in these restrictions to better my health got to the point where I wouldn't leave the house, I wouldn’t eat out and I would only eat the same things every single day.

I quickly learned that this wasn't healthy or a way to live either, so I dug deeper. I found that gluten, dairy and red meat wasn't inflammatory and that I shouldn’t be scared of these options. I found that you can eat a variety of foods and food groups and still feel energetic and continue reducing inflammation.

I went to school to learn more about this, to understand why food and our lives around us effects us so much. To understand how dis-eases and illness are created in the body and how to eat to support you through all stages of your life.